Q3 Review

  1. 2. These are the hottest color of stars.
  2. 6. The lifespan of a star depends on this.
  3. 8. This type of magnitude describes how bright a star appears to be from Earth.
  4. 10. The study of the solar system
  5. 12. These are the last four planets.
  1. 1. Largest planet in the solar system.
  2. 3. A large cluster of stars, dust, planets, and other solar bodies.
  3. 4. This is the force that holds the planets in place.
  4. 5. The outer planets are made mostly of this.
  5. 6. A burning ball of gas, mostly helium and hydrogen.
  6. 7. Third planet from the sun.
  7. 9. These are the first four planets.
  8. 11. The cloud where it is believed comets come from.