Q3 Spanish Interim Review Crucigrama

  1. 5. This period of Picasso represented: tristeza
  2. 6. capital city of Spain
  3. 8. last name of most famous artist of 20th century
  4. 10. "Fall in Spanish"
  5. 11. 39+1 en español
  6. 13. Yo/Tú are examples of nouns that code for nouns ex. Mr. Alexander (He)
  7. 14. A word that looks just like the source and target language.
  1. 1. Subject-verb agreement in Spanish.
  2. 2. Means time and weather in Spanish.
  3. 3. birthplace of Picasso and famous painting representing the destruction.
  4. 4. "Sunday in Spanish"
  5. 7. L and R are these types of letters in Spanish.
  6. 9. The agreement of gender and number in Spanish
  7. 12. Masculine plural word that means (some).
  8. 15. Means "the" in Spanish