Q4 Texas History

  1. 4. Leather pant coverings to protect clothing and bodies from thorny bushes and long hours in the saddle
  2. 5. An individual prospector who drills exploratory wells to try to find oil in new locations
  3. 7. Cattle drives from Kerrville, Texas, past Fort Griffin to Dodge City, Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota, and Wyoming territories from 1874 to late 1880s
  4. 11. Raised large herds of cattle or sheep on large tracks of land
  5. 13. Used to power locomotives, eventually replacing coal power.
  6. 16. Site of the first major oil deposit desovery in Texas
  7. 18. A town having rapid population and economic growth, usually connected to the appearance and/or growth of a specific industry
  8. 20. A factory in which oil is purified and turned into fuel and other products, including oil lubricants, gasoline, and kerosene
  9. 22. Stretches of public land from the Texas Panhandle to Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotahs & Wyoming territories
  10. 25. When plants and grass are exposed to intensive grazing leaving plants without sufficient time to recover and regrow
  11. 26. Cattle Drives blazed a new trail to the west toward military outposts, mines, and reservations in New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming
  12. 27. One of the most powerful regulatory agencies in Texas, had authority over rates and operations of all railroads, wharves, terminals and ports in Texas
  13. 29. Farmers and ranchers fought over whether the region would be open range or fenced-off properties
  1. 1. Nicknamed La Patrona, she would become known as the first “cattle queen” of Texas
  2. 2. Charged with enforcing new laws passed to end the Range Wars
  3. 3. Professional horse handler, in charge of caring for the crew’s horses
  4. 6. Used in internal combustion engines, like the ones used in automobiles.
  5. 8. Cattle drives from Brownsville, Texas to Abilene, Kansas (1867-1884), by 1871 moved over 600,000 head of cattle to Abilene
  6. 9. A tick-borne disease infecting cattle, it did not usually kill Longhorn but cattle in Missouri were not immune, and many died
  7. 10. long strands of wire with sharp barbs at close intervals designed to poke cattle to keep them within the fences
  8. 12. Performed many tasks on ranches like herding the cattle, working cattle drives, repairing fences and equipment
  9. 14. The earliest cattle drive (1840s-1860s) traveled to railroad depots to the east, connected ranches from Brownsville, Texas with Kansas City, Missouri
  10. 15. Process of moving a herd of cattle from one place to another, usually moved and herded by cowboys on horses
  11. 17. Thieves who stole cattle
  12. 19. After her husband died she took over running the ranch. By 1925, it spanned more than 1 million acres
  13. 21. a refined fuel oil made by processing petroleum, used in lamps for homes, commercial buildings, and streetlighting
  14. 23. Breed of cattle from cross-breeding Spanish and English cattle
  15. 24. Led cowboys, who worked in teams to care for cattle from multiple ranches
  16. 28. A support tower built out of wood or steel that supports oil well drilling equipment