Q4 Texts Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Why did Dally hit Ponyboy
  2. 4. why did the king of Copenhagen surrender
  3. 7. Wrote Nothing Gold Can Stay
  4. 9. youngest greaser in the outsiders
  5. 10. why does peter need the cloth
  6. 11. what Annemarie did in the first chapter of the book
  7. 13. where the rumble was in the outsiders
  8. 15. where Annemarie lives
  1. 1. state where ROTHMC took place
  2. 3. why did Ponyboy and Johnny run away
  3. 5. word greasers use to call something cool
  4. 6. How Dally died
  5. 8. where Papa worked
  6. 12. Annemarie's best friend
  7. 14. fought with TJ