QMA Lesson 21

  1. 3. Low blood sugar
  2. 6. Thyroid hormone
  3. 8. Produces enzymes that aid in digestion and insulin
  4. 10. Breaks down carbohydrates
  5. 11. Released when blood sugar levels are low
  6. 13. Medication that can raise blood sugar level
  7. 14. Administer 30 minutes before meal
  1. 1. Failure of pancreas to produce insulin
  2. 2. Substance needed to make thyroid hormones
  3. 4. Breaks down protein
  4. 5. Breaks down fats
  5. 7. High blood sugar
  6. 9. Cells are starved of glucose and start to break down fats for energy
  7. 12. Master gland