Quality Crossword Puzzle 2024

  1. 5. Personal health information
  2. 6. required to access the building and specific areas
  3. 7. Unattended computers should be _____.
  4. 8. Director of Quality
  5. 9. Issues that arise from improper execution of procedures
  6. 12. Expires every 3 years
  7. 13. Formal member complaint
  1. 1. License to dispense controlled medications
  2. 2. Official inspection of processes
  3. 3. Gold standard for health care review
  4. 4. HIPAA rule protecting electronic health information
  5. 5. Official instructions for completing job functions
  6. 6. PHI disclosure that violates HIPAA
  7. 10. legal document that gives someone the authority to act on your behalf
  8. 11. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  9. 12. Accreditation Commission for Health Care