Queen of Compassion: Oprah Winfrey

  1. 2. African-American woman to make 6th wealthiest woman in the U.S.
  2. 3. Oprah's mom's chosen name for her
  3. 4. Person who gave Oprah her strongest formative example in life
  4. 7. Nickname for Stedman Graham, Oprah's companion
  5. 9. Years Oprah Winfrey Show was on daytime television
  6. 10. productions Oprah's own company created when Oprah Winfrey show began
  1. 1. Became first African-American female anchor in Nashville
  2. 3. Publication run by Oprah which offers encouragement and positive articles
  3. 5. State Oprah was born in
  4. 6. Oprah was named "Miss Black _______" the year she started at T.S.U.
  5. 8. Number of vocabulary words dad Vernon forced her to learn a day