Quick revision

  1. 2. Experienced or expressed by each toward the other
  2. 5. According to realists, international system is...
  3. 7. Balance of
  4. 8. ...treaty
  5. 10. ...seekers
  6. 11. Internal or
  7. 13. ...diplomacy; American unilateralism
  8. 14. Enemy
  9. 15. The theory and practice of governing a country
  10. 17. Regnal
  11. 18. They shape country's foreign policy
  12. 23. Location can be coastal or...
  13. 25. Having an exceedingly bad reputation
  1. 1. Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty or penalty
  2. 3. Sovereignty
  3. 4. Zero-sum
  4. 6. ...d'état
  5. 9. A diplomatic building where ambassador lives or works
  6. 12. Kindness in welcoming guests or strangers
  7. 16. The conduct of relations between sovereign states through the medium of officials based at home or abroad
  8. 19. One dispatched upon a mission
  9. 20. An exile who flees for safety
  10. 21. Help
  11. 22. Monetary...
  12. 24. ...East