
  1. 7. Logo of walmart but its also a processing engine
  2. 8. actual amount collected from the customers
  3. 10. It is the Apache Foundation’s open-source software platform for streaming
  4. 11. Orchestrating tool for the workflows
  5. 12. It is a data storage technology that brings together data from multiple sources into a single system
  6. 14. The action which we do before we buy / we do but never buy :P
  7. 15. A bunch of similar things put together and also it is commonly used by the engineers
  8. 17. Browser issue you get when UI is hosted on different server than backend
  9. 18. Most common framework for building java web applications
  10. 19. Most common file format used in building API responses
  11. 20. consumers who use technology for the full range of shopping experiences – online from a desktop or mobile device, by telephone or in a bricks and mortar store.
  12. 21. A number expressing the central value of dataset.
  13. 24. Software that is available to freely use and modify
  14. 26. Most Valued person
  1. 1. Are the people within an organization who ensure adherence to data laws and internally established data governance policies
  2. 2. Google's cloud data warehouse
  3. 3. Holds the structured set of data
  4. 4. Commonly used by DataEngineers and bees
  5. 5. A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.
  6. 6. A column-oriented data storage format that’s part of the Hadoop ecosystem.
  7. 9. One of the reposible role around the data.
  8. 13. The set of collection of different/random items.
  9. 16. Action on the most of the Products during the sale
  10. 17. Most important tool while we setup any meetings.
  11. 18. Founder of walmart at 1962
  12. 22. The three-step data integration process used to blend data from different sources
  13. 23. A Unique set of 9 digits assigned.
  14. 25. Standardized global identifier which enable products to be sold, reordered and tracked through supply chains