- 2. MOBA jargon for an area commonly associated with killing neutral monsters to earn gold and experience
- 4. A piece that can move diagonally in chess
- 7. Cup in the "Mario Kart" series which always finishes with "Rainbow Road"
- 10. Theme of the blue squares in "Trivial Pursuit"
- 13. Multi-colored wild card in "Ticket to Ride"
- 15. Island where the activities in "Wii Sports Resort" take place
- 16. Subject of a community-made creepypasta and major icon of "Minecraft"
- 17. Race in the "Legend of Zelda" series depicted wearing leaves for masks
- 20. Plant which generates coins in "Plants vs Zombies"
- 1. Pyrokinetic burst used by Geralt in the "Witcher" series
- 3. Mario's first ever enemy, encountered at the start of 1-1 in "Super Mario bros." (NES)
- 5. Lowest valued (human) piece in "Stratego"
- 6. Poker hand where all five cards are of the same suit(symbol)
- 8. Government member elected democratically every round in "Secret Hitler"
- 9. Currency used in the "Animal Crossing" series
- 11. Last name of the red character in the Dutch version of "Clue"
- 12. The only type that electric type Pokémon are weak towards
- 14. Most expensive street in the US version of "Monopoly"
- 18. Continent worth exactly 3 bonus armies in "RISK"
- 19. Board piece you can buy and activate with exactly one ore, one sheep and one wheat in "Catan"