quiz 7

  1. 2. Prosecutorial waivers, called ____ file, allows the prosecutor to have the sole authority to decide whether a particular juvenile case will be heard in criminal court.
  2. 5. ___ ad litem is the term for defense lawyers of juveniles who act as their legal guardian as well as lawyer.
  3. 6. A juvenile has no Constitutional right to this in court.
  4. 9. A ____ sentence refers to the imposition of juvenile and/or adult correctional sanctions to juvenile defendants.
  5. 10. Formal procedure whereby the state declares the juvenile to be an adult.
  6. 11. The type of disposition that includes juvenile probation, community service, or restitution.
  7. 12. The least punitive of the three major dispositions that includes a verbal warning or reprimand.
  1. 1. An alternative to juvenile court that relies on teen jurors to dispose of minor juvenile cases.
  2. 3. Changing the jurisdiction over certain juvenile offenders to another jurisdiction, usually from juvenile court to criminal court.
  3. 4. A judgment or action on the petition filed with the juvenile court.
  4. 7. A juvenile waiver also known as legislative or mandatory that specifies crimes that must be heard in criminal court rather than juvenile court.
  5. 8. A juvenile waiver that initiated by the juvenile who wants his or her case heard in adult criminal court.