Quiz Globalization and Fourth Industrial Revolution

  1. 7. – Believed to be the fuel of the first industrial revolution that brought the coal-powered external combustion engine
  2. 9. The phrase used to refer to the Third industrial Revolution and started the migration of analogue electronics technology to digital electronics. It is also known as the computer age.
  3. 12. Also known as 3D-printing and refers to processes used to create a three-dimensional product in which a computer control assembles materials into layers.
  4. 13. Refers to the revolutionary material that makes up a vital component in different fields and areas such as aerospace, automobile, construction and manufacturing
  5. 14. Refers to the multi-disciplinary area of engineering and science involving the fields of mechanical, electrical, computer science, and other engineering-based fields.
  6. 15. Refers to the digital data sets that are so large either in terms of scale, or complex in terms of variety.
  7. 17. Refers to what is commonly called as machine intelligence, is the programmed reasoning and thinking skills applied to machines to mimic human or animal intelligence.
  8. 18. Refers to a digital ledger of transactions; this ledger is shared by a network of computers, making use of cryptography to secure the authenticity of the transactions.
  9. 19. refers to the connectivity and association of electronic devices, vehicles (also called as "connected devices" and "smart devices"), structures, buildings, and other devices with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and communication capabilities which equip the said items to send, transmit and process information.
  10. 20. - Refers to technologies that have the potential to disrupt the status quo, alter the way people live and work, rearrange value pools, and lead to entirely new products and services
  1. 1. The phrase used to refer to the fourth Industrial Revolution. It builds on the with cyber- physical systems providing new mechanisms and allowing technology to be embedded within societies and even the human body
  2. 2. Refers to the model that enables ubiquitous, convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
  3. 3. - Refers to the wild and unexpected technological breakthroughs that require corporations to radically rethink their very existence
  4. 4. This means contact and communication between people who had been culturally and geographically isolated
  5. 5. Refers to the migration of certain activities from hand production methods to machine processes
  6. 6. It narrates the rapid compression of space and time ushered by the unprecedented global proficiency in the use of computer technology.
  7. 8. - Refers to new technologies that help organizations improve product performance
  8. 10. Believed to be the fuel of the second industrial revolution that brought the coal-powered internal combustion engine
  9. 11. Refers to the technology which stores generated energy for later use
  10. 16. Refers to the technology that changes how people perceive and appreciate the brain and several characteristics of consciousness, thought, and complex activities in the brain.