R for Data Science Basics

  1. 2. grid of values of same type
  2. 4. RStudio tab groupings
  3. 5. binary or Boolean data
  4. 7. variables with defined numeric values
  5. 10. collection of values of any type
  6. 11. variables with undefined numeric values
  7. 12. numeric data without decimals
  8. 14. numeric data with decimals
  9. 16. categorical data
  10. 18. the inputs of a function
  11. 19. operator type that compares values (a "condition")
  12. 22. structures that store information
  1. 1. ___ list (set of function inputs; abbrev.)
  2. 3. <- or =
  3. 6. strings of text
  4. 7. undefined arg type
  5. 8. grid of values with variable columns
  6. 9. info pulled with ?function_name
  7. 10. operator type that combines multiple relational statements ("conditional set")
  8. 13. arg values that will process "as is" unless changed
  9. 15. function version with computerized procedures
  10. 17. human-readable version of functions
  11. 20. defined arguments
  12. 21. collection of values of same type