Racial Harmony Day 2021

  1. 3. It is a traditional decorative art used for ornamental or ceremonial design during traditional Indian festivities.
  2. 5. The ____________ are an ethnic group defined by their genealogical descent from the first waves of Southern Chinese settlers to the ports in the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Archipelago.
  3. 8. Also known as the HDB Ethnic Quota, the "I" in EIP stands for ___________.
  4. 13. A Traditional outfit worn by the Chinese.
  5. 14. _____ are very popular Japanese carp that symbolise love and friendship.
  6. 15. A person of mixed Asian and European ancestry.
  7. 16. Who celebrates the Festival of Lights?
  1. 1. A game that originated in China that requires 4 players.
  2. 2. What language is the official language of Singapore?
  3. 4. In the pledge, we say that we are "one _____________ people".
  4. 6. Racial Harmony Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the 1964 Racial _______.
  5. 7. The ________ ribbon symbolizes racial harmony and intolerance towards racism, first began in 2001, when the Singapore History Museum (now known as the National Museum of Singapore), introduced it in a school.
  6. 9. Our local boys of all races and religions train together when they serve in ___.
  7. 10. The grouping of people with shared attributes.
  8. 11. A Malay dish of grilled meat on skewers.
  9. 12. Keep an ______ mind when learning about other people's customs and traditions.
  10. 13. What is the majority race in Singapore?