RACP Congress 2024

  1. 3. type of COPD
  2. 6. animal to human
  3. 9. uria: scanty (amount) of urine
  4. 10. dermal: through the skin
  5. 12. A person undertaking training for a certificate or diploma qualification from a specialist medical college accredited by the Australian Medical Council
  6. 13. doctor who has finished medical school and residency and has chosen to further study a subspecialty in medicine
  7. 14. Oligomeno: scanty menstrual flow
  8. 15. Congress 2024 location
  1. 1. venous: with a vein
  2. 2. Someone who has completed Advanced Training in a medical specialty
  3. 4. vertebral: between the vertebrae
  4. 5. 19 disease
  5. 7. A formal meeting of pharmaceutical representatives
  6. 8. Educational institution or a constituent part of one
  7. 10. cardia: rapid heart rate
  8. 11. facial nerve paralysis: a ringer