
  1. 3. image thats digital
  2. 4. screens in cassettes used with extraoral films
  3. 5. used to diagnose TMJ disease also allows dentist to look at soft tissue with little risk
  4. 9. errors resulting from improper horizontal angulation
  5. 10. error due to the film placement in the processing tank when the solutions levels are low
  6. 12. degrees of gray found in an image
  7. 15. device used to eliminate peripheral radiation
  8. 16. variations in the gray scale that determines how the presence of disease.
  9. 17. degrees of darkness on an x-ray
  1. 1. an x-ray of the crowns of the teeth used to detect caries and calculus
  2. 2. when film appears light and has a thin image
  3. 3. badge that monitors individual radiation exposure
  4. 6. primary ray emitting from the x-ray tube head
  5. 7. crystals that hold the form of black on the x-ray film. emulsion suspended in a gelatin.
  6. 8. images on x-ray that are out of focus
  7. 11. partial image created when the central beam misses the x-ray film
  8. 13. film was exposed twice
  9. 14. the positive electronic cell
  10. 15. device on machine to change and adjust the settings for the x-ray