
  1. 2. distinct nuclear specie of the same element, such that the only difference between them is the number of neutrons in the nucleus..
  2. 4. Last name of a couple of scientists who worked from the 80s onwards on radiation, she was the first person who won two Nobel prizes.
  3. 5. Element which is created after another exited element decays.
  4. 6. Large star near our planet, responsible of the natural light and heat we can see and feel every day.
  1. 1. What we understand as light, it haves both particle and wave behavior.
  2. 3. Elemental particle of a negative charge, which is the particle that moves along wires when electricity is used.
  3. 5. Measure of the energy deposited in the matter, usually used in radiotherapy.
  4. 7. Element used in nuclear reactors, which atomic number is 92.