
  1. 6. Treatment of cancer with chemicals
  2. 8. 1986 nuclear disaster
  3. 10. stops all 3 types of radiation
  4. 13. Atoms of the same type but with a different number of neutrons
  5. 14. An electromagnetic wave
  6. 15. stops only 2 of the three types of radiation
  1. 1. The uncontrolled growth of cell tissue in the body
  2. 2. When atoms change from one type to another
  3. 3. a 30km area around reactor number 4.
  4. 4. A fast moving nuclear electron
  5. 5. Treatment of cancer with a source of radiation
  6. 7. A nuclear disaster in Japan
  7. 9. The type of radiation stopped by paper
  8. 11. the chances of an atom decaying at any moment is completley....
  9. 12. The length of time it takes for half of the particles to decay