
  1. 2. You can split light with this
  2. 3. If ionised atoms are in your DNA, what does this cause?
  3. 8. Energy of a wave depends on this
  4. 10. This type of radiation is used to view bones
  5. 11. Can cause skin cancer
  6. 12. Radiation used by mobile phones (and for heating food)
  1. 1. This is one of the types of radiation mostly blocked by the atmosphere (hint: it is not used to see bones)
  2. 4. Radiation used to cook food
  3. 5. Ionisation causes mutations that could lead to this disease
  4. 6. Our eyes detect this
  5. 7. The process of when electrons are knocked off atoms
  6. 9. TVs use this type of radiation to get signal