Radiation Biology

  1. 5. a comparison of the doses required to reduce survival to a certain level in hypoxic and oxygenated conditions; hypoxic cells are radio-resistant (Acronym)
  2. 8. division of the total dose of radiation into smaller doses usually given more than once a day
  3. 11. the use of dose fractions substantially larger than the conventional level of 2 Gy
  4. 12. one of the 4Rs: a mechanism built into both normal and abnormal cells. Rest periods in standard fractionation schemes allow for normal cells to heal from sublethal radiation injury
  5. 14. According to the Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau, cells that are rapidly dividing, have a long mitotic future, and are _________ are the most responsive to radiation
  6. 16. the rate of energy loss along the track of an ionizing particle, usually expressed in Kev/µm (acronym)
  7. 21. Changes that are seen within days or within weeks
  8. 22. chemicals that scavenge free radicals or facilitate direct chemical repair at sites of DNA damage in normal tissues
  9. 25. one of the 4 Rs: refers to the ability of both normal and tumor cells populations to revascularize as cells die in an attempt to continue thriving
  10. 27. in fractionated radiotherapy, the quantity by which different fractionation regimens are compared (acronym)
  11. 28. cellular damage that is irreversible, irreparable and leads to cell death.
  12. 31. the dissociation of water molecules following irradiation
  13. 33. cells capable of self-renewal and of differentiation to produce all the various types of specialized cells in a lineage
  14. 34. The most resistant mitotic phase to radiation (please hyphenate. i.e. X-phase)
  15. 35. The division of germ cells
  1. 1. permanent arrest of cell division associated with aging, differentiation or cell damage
  2. 2. A theory based on the idea that death of a cell is caused by the inactivation of specific targets within the cell or that the shoulder on the cell survival curves is a result of the number of unrepaired lesions per cell (two words)
  3. 3. a gene that contributes to cancer formation when mutated or inappropriately expressed
  4. 4. reduction in the overall treatment time; a schedule in which the average rate of dose delivery exceeds the equivalent of 10 Gy per wk in 2 Gy fractions (two words)
  5. 6. the maximum radiation dose or intensity of radiotherapy dependent on fractionation, field size, concomitant treatments
  6. 7. The most sensitive mitotic phase to radiation (please hyphenate. i.e. X-phase)
  7. 9. one of the 4 Rs: refers to the trigger of surviving cells in a tumor to divide faster in an attempt to live
  8. 10. a fragment of an atom or molecule that contains an unpaired electron, which, therefore, make it very radioactive (two words)
  9. 13. one of the 4 Rs: is the ability for the cell population to return to a more even distribution of younger, dividing cells following decreased surviving fraction.
  10. 15. a process in which a portion of the cytoplasm is engulfed by parts of the cytoplasm and intracellular organelles are sequestered within characteristic double- or multi-membraned autophagic vacuoles (named autophagosomes) and are finally delivered to lysosomes for bulk degradation.
  11. 17. cellular damage that is repaired during the interval between treatment and assay, especially under suboptimal growth conditions (acronym)
  12. 18. a gene generally active in the embryo and fetus and during proliferation process. A maturation can result in the permanent activation of this gene which then become an oncogene
  13. 19. are more differentiated than stem cells. They have lost the ability to self-renew. They are committed to further differentiate. (two words)
  14. 20. Changes that are seen after months or years
  15. 23. a mode of rapid cell death after irradiation in which the cell nucleus displays characteristic densely staining globules and at least some of the DNA is subsequently broken down into internucleosomal units. “programmed cell death”
  16. 24. A factor used to compare the biological effectiveness of different types of ionizing radiation. It is the inverse ration of the amount of abosrbed radiation required to prodcue a given effect to a standard (or reference) radiation required to produce the same effect (acronym)
  17. 26. a special reproductive cell with a haploid number of chromosomes
  18. 29. the phenomenon whereby a physical or chemical agent has one effect at high doses and the reverse effect at low doses
  19. 30. the division of somatic cells
  20. 32. Traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury.
  21. 34. nonlethal cellular injury that can be repaired or accumulated with further dose to become lethal (acronym)