Radiation Biology

  1. 3. even one damaged cell can result in this radiation effect
  2. 6. these effects are a result of lethal damage to cells
  3. 7. x-rays common interact with this material indirectly
  4. 8. this radiation is unavoidable and is all around us
  5. 11. this radiation has significantly increased over the years
  6. 12. this model is used to predict cancer risk due to x-radiation
  7. 13. increasing radiation dose results in increased ____ of deterministic effects
  8. 14. this person is the radiation protection officer for a dental office
  9. 15. primary tissue of concern for radiation damage
  1. 1. this dose accounts for the differences in the damaging capabilities of different radiations
  2. 2. ensuring that radiation results in more benefits than harm
  3. 4. best way to reduce patient exposure to radiation
  4. 5. increasing radiation dose results in increased _____ of stochastic effects
  5. 9. as low as reasonably achievable
  6. 10. this dose accounts for differences in the radiation sensitivity of different tissues