Radiation In-Service

  1. 5. Measure device of radiation dose received by radiation workers.
  2. 6. Educational and training Annual Effective Dose.
  3. 9. Safety principle designed to minimize radiation dose and released of radioactive materials.
  4. 11. Can result from inhalation, ingestion, absorption, puncture or open wound.
  5. 14. Type of Energy Electromagnetic Waves
  6. 15. Can be blocked by lead or tungsten.
  7. 16. Can be blocked by water and concrete.
  1. 1. Unwanted radioactive materials in or on the body, or spread about the environment.
  2. 2. Can be blocked by iron and thick metal.
  3. 3. Three basic ways of controlling exposure to harmful radiation are Time, ________, and Shielding.
  4. 4. Radiation Safety Officer for Gateway Community College.
  5. 7. Occupational Whole Body Effective Dose.
  6. 8. Type of Radiation that is Higher Energy Electromagnetic Waves or Heavy Particles
  7. 10. Can be blocked by a piece of paper.
  8. 12. Radiation waves or Particles that penetrate the body
  9. 13. Can be blocked by a thick piece of wood.