Radiation Physics

  1. 6. refers to the electrons liberated by ionization
  2. 7. SI unit of rem
  3. 9. the distance from one crest to another.
  4. 10. The time required for the activity of radioactive material to decay to 1/2 of its original value
  5. 14. Carries the missing energy of the reaction
  6. 17. A decay that occurs in nuclei with too many neutrons over protons ratio.
  7. 18. The work performed when an electron moves through an electric potential
  8. 19. The quantity of matter described by its energy equivalent
  9. 20. the emission of particles and energy by atoms to become stable
  10. 26. The process of removing an orbital electron.
  11. 28. ______ decay is the mirror image of beta decay
  12. 29. the area of the anode struck by the electrons form the cathode
  13. 31. Energy consists of an electric field and magnetic field.
  14. 33. oscillations per second or cycle per second.
  15. 34. structures that attenuate x-rays
  16. 37. Particle emitted by radon
  17. 38. Protons and neutrons
  18. 39. atoms that have different Z, different A, and same N.
  19. 41. The force exerted on a body under the influence of gravity
  1. 1. Old unit of radioactivity
  2. 2. The only difference between x-rays and gamma rays.
  3. 3. Anything that occupies space and has mass
  4. 4. involves matter in motion
  5. 5. _________ energy is the energy contained in nucleus of an atom
  6. 8. incident x-ray is totally absorbed
  7. 11. One-half the range from crest to valley over which the sine wave varies.
  8. 12. atoms that have different Z, same A, and different N
  9. 13. SI unit of rad
  10. 15. a charged particle
  11. 16. The largest source of man-made ionizing radiation
  12. 20. structures that absorb x-rays
  13. 21. The force that keeps the electron in orbit.
  14. 22. Atoms with same Z,different A,and different N.
  15. 23. The largest source of natural environmental radiation
  16. 24. Old unit of exposure
  17. 25. ________ atom is the best way too picture the atom
  18. 27. Identical elements except energy level.
  19. 30. A free electron emitted during internal conversion
  20. 32. The ejected electron during internal conversion is known as _______ electron.
  21. 35. The x-ray _____ decreases with the square of the distance from the source.
  22. 36. The only difference between proton and electron.
  23. 40. Electon shell with 50 electrons