Radiation Protection Concepts

  1. 2. Radiation exposure to volunteers undertaking biomedical research.
  2. 5. Cardinal rules for radiation protection.
  3. 9. Used to measure the long term effects of radiation protection.
  4. 10. The unite that radioactivity is measured in.
  5. 12. A pioneer in the field of radiation protection(he developed the exposure control technique.
  6. 14. Mr Willem wants you to ware me to detect and measure the accumulative dose of radiation during clinical practice.
  1. 1. I am the most famous radiation protection concept.
  2. 3. The degree to which diagnostic procedures accurately reveals the presence or absence of the disease
  3. 4. The first device developed to measure radiation .
  4. 6. International organization that publishes radiation protection standards
  5. 7. The amount of doctors that died during the years of the discovery of x-rays.
  6. 8. The method that compares the amount of radiation received from a radiobiological procedure with natural background radiation received over a given period of time.
  7. 9. Is obtained when you multiply the Absorbed dose and the Radiation weighting factor.
  8. 11. Acute Radiation Syndrome affecting the eyes.
  9. 13. The most radio-sensitive cells in the body