Radiation Safety

  1. 3. a group that develops standards of protections for users of x-rays and other forms of ionizing radiation. They are interested in the use of all types of radiation and they publish recommendations for protection agains exposure (acronym)
  2. 6. cosmic rays and environment factor count as this type of radiation
  3. 9. a radioactive particle made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons that is very harmful if ingested or inhaled
  4. 10. a device used for detecting ionizing radiation in air (two words)
  5. 12. pregnant women require how many personal dose monitoring devices?
  6. 13. The SI units for biological equivalent dose
  7. 15. The SI units for absorbed dose (spelled out)
  8. 16. What is the dose limit to a fetus for the term of the pregnancy according to the NRC in mSv
  9. 18. an area in which barriers and other engineering controls should reduce exposure to less than 100 mrem/wk
  10. 19. The SI units for activity, measure amount of radioactive material undergoing decay
  11. 20. an instrument that can detect the presence of ionizing radiation but cannot quantify the dose in the area (hyphenated)
  12. 21. a lead container or cart used to transport radioactive sources
  13. 22. the gonad dose that if received by every member of the population, would produce the total genetic efect on the population as the sum of the individual doses actually recieved
  1. 1. a national group of experts who make recommendations for protections agains exposure (acronym)
  2. 2. barriers that receive radiation as a result of scatter or leakage are considered (two words)
  3. 4. the national group, which collaborates with individual states to establish regulations that are incorporated into federal and state law
  4. 5. What is the limit for occupational exposure according to the NRC in mSv
  5. 7. barriers that receive radiation directly from the source are considered (two words)
  6. 8. areas in which the maximum allowed exposure is 2mrem/wk
  7. 11. unlike other tissue and occupational dose limits, fetal dose limits are broken up are base on what time frame?
  8. 14. optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters, commonly use LiF (acronym)
  9. 17. The total energy absorbed by the body is known as the _____ dose