Radiation Safety Crossword

  1. 3. radiation monitoring devices
  2. 4. most commonly used radioisotope
  3. 12. agency that supports aviation with global standards for airline safety, security efficiency and sustainability
  4. 13. test performed with activity that does not change with volume or configuration
  5. 14. type of survey meter
  6. 15. minimal detectable activity
  7. 17. outgoing package reading at one meter
  8. 19. used to reduce volatility
  9. 20. used to analyze area wipes
  10. 21. remote handling device
  11. 22. dosimetry records retention
  12. 26. the time taken for the activity of a specific isotope to fall to half its original value
  13. 27. time, distance, shielding and ____________________ (2 words)
  14. 28. device which produces electrical signals when exposed to radiation
  1. 1. class of radioactive materials
  2. 2. air monitoring of restricted area (2 words)
  3. 5. radiological postings are magenta, purple or __________ on yellow background
  4. 6. performed on sealed sources over 100uCi
  5. 7. as low as reasonably achievable
  6. 8. personal protective equipment
  7. 9. organ that uptakes Iodine
  8. 10. blocking and _____________ secures outgoing packages
  9. 11. packages of RAM are properly wiped, surveyed, labeled and ___________
  10. 16. Radiation Protection Program completion frequency
  11. 18. government agency managing radioactive materials
  12. 23. Incoming RAM must be received within _________ hours of delivery
  13. 24. most harmful radiation
  14. 25. incident reporting program