Radiation Vocabulary

  1. 2. nuclear fission reaction in which an alpha particle is emitted
  2. 5. the antiparticle of electron, identical to an electron in mass and magnitude, but with a positive charge
  3. 7. total number of leptons, in this case electrons adn neutrinos, is conserved
  4. 10. lepton with a charge of e
  5. 11. total number of baryons, in this case neutrons and protons, is conserved
  6. 12. class of nuclei characterized by total numbe rof nucleons and protons
  7. 13. nuclear reaction in which a beta particle is emitted
  8. 14. lepton with no charge
  9. 17. nucleus of a helium atom
  10. 18. nuclear reaction in which at least two nuclei form a nucleus with mass larger than either
  11. 19. energy required to seperate a system into its consituents; in this case a nucleus into its constituent atoms
  12. 20. lepton with charge of electron
  13. 21. elapsed time for the decay of one-half a smaple of unstable nuclides
  1. 1. subatomic particle composed of three quarks
  2. 3. reactant and products of a nuclear decay
  3. 4. subatomic particle not composed of quarks
  4. 6. lepton with chrage of anti-electron
  5. 8. baryon with a charge of +e
  6. 9. with any change in mass there is an associated change in energy
  7. 15. rate of nuclear decay
  8. 16. decay nuclear reaction in which a photon with a wavelenth in the gamma range is emitted
  9. 22. nuclear reaction in which at least one daughter nuclide has a mass smaller than the parent