
  1. 2. Give an example of radioactive materials used in power stations
  2. 3. What type of radiation particle consists of an electron? 4 9
  3. 6. What common material is great at stopping gamma rays?
  4. 8. What is gamma? 15 4
  5. 10. What detects radioactive materials? 6 6 4
  6. 14. What substances can stop alpha particles?
  7. 15. Name one purpose of gamma radiation in everyday life
  8. 16. Are nuclear plant workers more reactive than you or me?
  9. 17. What is an example of a gamma ray source starting with T?
  10. 18. What are Geiger-Müller tubes readings measured in?
  11. 19. What country has the largest nuclear deterrent
  12. 20. Which type of radiation will penetrate paper and aluminium foil but can be protected against with lead?
  13. 21. Which famous Physicist, at the start of the twentieth century, suggested the exostence of the nucleus?
  14. 22. Are children more sensitive to radiation.
  15. 23. Give an example of radioactive materials used in power stations
  16. 24. What is the biggest nuclear disaster ever
  1. 1. which 3 methods lead to radiation taken into the body? 10 9 10
  2. 4. What type of radiation is used in smoke alarms?
  3. 5. Does gamma radiation have a large wavelength or a small wavelength?
  4. 7. How ionising are alpha particles?
  5. 9. Give a use for beta particles 7 7
  6. 11. How are gamma rays used
  7. 12. What is the charge of a beta particle?
  8. 13. How strong is the ionising effect of a gamma ray