
  1. 2. what is the time taken for the radioactivity of an isotope to half its value called?
  2. 3. what is a fixed or stationary condition called?
  3. 7. what is the reduction in the density of something called?
  4. 10. what is the distance between the crests of a wave in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave called?
  1. 1. what is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves called?
  2. 4. what is the name of the sound waves used for baby scans?
  3. 5. what is a safety device made of a strip of wire that breaks an electric circuit if the current gets too high called?
  4. 6. what piece of equipment is used to control heart fibrillation by application of an electric current to the chest?
  5. 8. what is a positively charged particle consisting of two protons and two neutrons, emitted in radioactive decay called?
  6. 9. what is the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave called?