
  1. 4. Type of decay that is an EM wave.
  2. 5. Number of neutrons in an alpha particle.
  3. 6. Protons + neutrons.
  4. 10. Number of electrons in zirconium.
  5. 11. Number of neutrons in Mn (word).
  6. 13. Number of electrons in carbon (word).
  1. 1. Subatomic particle with a negative charge.
  2. 2. Element made when iron decays by alpha particle.
  3. 3. Element that has 5 more protons than antimony (Sb).
  4. 4. Made when thallium alpha decays.
  5. 7. Mass number of oxygen (word).
  6. 8. Its mass number is 103.
  7. 9. Element made when copper decays by beta particle.
  8. 12. Number of neutrons in calcium (word).