Radioactive IGCSE

  1. 5. Gama rays are ............. by magnetic or electric feilds
  2. 6. The ..............contains both protons and neutrons
  3. 10. ......... particles will be deflected towards the negative pole of a magnetic field.
  4. 12. exposure to radiation can cause mututaions in cells resulting in .........
  5. 13. Alpha particles has the ......... ionizing effect
  6. 16. Nuclear accidents and nuclear testing are forms of .......... radiation
  7. 19. ...... can be detected underground using radiation source
  8. 20. This electromagnetic wave has no mass or charge
  9. 21. This type of radioactive particle has 2 protons and 2 neutrons
  10. 22. A ................ has a positive charge and a mass of 1
  11. 23. A ..................has no charge and a mass of 1
  12. 24. .......... can be used to stop alpha particles
  1. 1. An ............... has a negative charge and has very small mass
  2. 2. ............effect is the ability to remove electrons from other atoms
  3. 3. This type of radioactive particle is a high speed electron
  4. 4. Gamma radiation has the .......... ionizing effect
  5. 7. The the sum of the protons and neutrons
  6. 8. Ernest Rutherford's model of the atom is called the ..............
  7. 9. The ...............indicates the number of protons
  8. 11. ............can be used to protect us from Gamma radiation
  9. 14. .........particles will be deflected towards the potive pole of a electric field.
  10. 15. Al can be used to stop Beta particles
  11. 17. cosmic rays is a form of .......... radiation
  12. 18. .............refers to the time taken for a radioactive sample to reduce its mass/radiation count by half..