
  1. 1. An electromagnetic wave
  2. 4. Has two common isotopes 235 and 238
  3. 8. Stops alpha radiation
  4. 9. Nuclear power plant in Japan that suffered radiation leaks and damaged reactors
  5. 11. The S.I unit of radiation
  6. 12. The length of time it takes for half of the atoms of an isotope to decay
  7. 13. Metal that stops Alpha and beta radiation but not gamma
  8. 15. Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
  9. 17. when an atom spontaneously ejects a particle and changes into a different type of atom
  1. 1. used to detect radiation
  2. 2. Won 2 nobel prizes and discovered Radium and Polonium
  3. 3. The type of nuclear radiation with a +2 charge
  4. 5. 1986 nuclear disaster
  5. 6. A fast moving nuclear electron
  6. 7. This nuclear particle changes into a proton and an electron to initiate beta decay
  7. 10. The nucleus of this atom is the same as an alpha particle
  8. 14. The name of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  9. 16. Metal that stops alpha and beta and most of gamma radiation