
  1. 3. a low level of radiation in the environment to which we are always exposed
  2. 4. a detector of the amount of radiation from a source
  3. 5. it is a form of electromagnetic radiation
  4. 6. a French Physicist who discovered radioactivity in 1896
  5. 7. a type of radiation that is made up of two protons and two neutrons
  6. 8. this happens when our bodies receive a dose of radiation
  7. 11. a unit used to express the number of atoms that decay each second
  8. 13. radiation that comes from space
  1. 1. radiation which causes materials to be charged when absorbed
  2. 2. the emission of radiation by a nucleus in an attempt to become more stable
  3. 6. the average time taken for half of the atoms in a sample to decay
  4. 9. a radioactive gas found in the air which seeps up to the Earth's surface from the uranium rocks underground
  5. 10. this is also a beta particle
  6. 12. an artificial radiation which comes from medical sources used to see what is inside our body