Railroads Of California

  1. 2. Chinese workers made this drink with boiling water and it kept them healthy.
  2. 7. The Chinese _______ act was barred Chinese immigrants from coming to America.
  3. 10. Train engineer visionary nicknamed"Crazy _____."
  4. 11. Amount a railroad ticket from New York To San Francisco cost.
  5. 14. It was a struggle to find a pass for the railroad to go through this California mountain range.
  6. 15. 3,000 Chinese went on ____ to protest unfair and unequal working conditions on the Transcontinental Railroad.
  7. 16. This ethnic group ruled China under the Qing dynasty.
  1. 1. This color of spike was driven into the earth in 1869 to celebrate the completion of the railroad from East to West coast.
  2. 3. In 1885 all the Chinese citizens of this Humboldt County city were forced to move.
  3. 4. This was the style Chinese men wore their hair in.
  4. 5. The common name for the Zhonghua Huiguan (Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association), a successful lobbying group that fought for the rightsof Chinese immigrants.
  5. 6. The name of the female empress who took the throne in 1861 in China at the age of 26.
  6. 8. Alternative name for empress Tzu Hsi of the Qing dynasty
  7. 9. This immigrant group worked also worked building the railroad with the Chinese and Italians.
  8. 12. the three word nickname for Leland Standford, Mark Hopkins, Charles Crocker, and Collis Huntington, the financiers of the Transcontinental railroad.
  9. 13. Chinese workers used dynamite and pickaxes to carve these in mountains for the railroad to pass through.