  1. 2. there’s a lot of clouds
  2. 5. not so hot
  3. 6. you protect your ears from the cold
  4. 10. it rains frequently
  5. 11. you protect your skin with this
  6. 13. you wear these in summer or spring
  7. 16. you protect your head from the sun
  8. 17. this season is sunny and hot
  9. 19. you make sure your hands don’t get cold with this
  10. 20. it snows frequently
  1. 1. leaves fall from trees and it’s windy
  2. 3. you use this accessory to protect you from the rain
  3. 4. you wear this around your neck when it’s cold
  4. 7. clothes you use to protect you from the rain
  5. 8. the sun is bright, it’s hot
  6. 9. fresh air, the temperature is good
  7. 11. you protect your eyes with this
  8. 12. it snows or rains a lot
  9. 14. the temperature is some degrees above warm
  10. 15. flowers bloom in this season, it’s also sunny and cool
  11. 18. you feel this in winter