Raisin in the Sun Vocab and characters

  1. 4. Walter's tired wife
  2. 10. preconceived judgment or opinion
  3. 11. capable of stirring enthusiasm or excitement
  4. 12. generate pus
  5. 14. to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group
  6. 15. likely to perform unpredictably
  7. 16. Wants to become a doctor
  8. 17. a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
  1. 1. something offered for consideration or acceptance
  2. 2. a person employed to drive a motor vehicle
  3. 3. Dreams to own his own liquor store
  4. 5. marginal consciousness
  5. 6. an accusation of wrongdoing
  6. 7. hold back to a later time
  7. 8. in disarray; extremely disorderly
  8. 9. conceal or hide
  9. 13. Son to Ruth and Walter/Needs money for school
  10. 17. The insurance check belongs to her