Raisin in the Sun Vocab & Lit Terms

  1. 3. Dark in mood; gloomy or depressed.
  2. 4. A wedding ring stands for the idea of infinite love.
  3. 5. Irony when what is expected to happen is not what occurs.
  4. 6. All suffering is a precious gift.
  5. 8. - To act in a submissive, low, or servile manner in order to gain forgiveness.
  6. 9. Weak or lacking in effectiveness.
  7. 10. Put off or delay to a later time.
  8. 14. Done in a sly or secretive way to avoid notice.
  9. 15. The car coughed and wheezed before finally calling it quits.
  10. 19. Falcons fly freely in the frosty forest air.
  11. 20. Feeling of being flustered or annoyed.
  1. 1. A comparison or relationship drawn between two things (not figurative).
  2. 2. Adapting and blending into a majority or popular culture.
  3. 7. A character mentions a historical event or a famous poem.
  4. 11. The author cited top authorities - doctors and professors - in her medical report.
  5. 12. I have a dream...I have a dream...I have a dream...
  6. 13. In a melancholy, sorrowful way.
  7. 16. To beg or plead in a desperate way for someone to do something.
  8. 17. Irony when the audience has critical information that the characters don't have.
  9. 18. To move in an unsteady way or to give way; lose strength.