Rajesh is 80!

  1. 2. He's extremely ____ at Sudoku
  2. 5. His vocabulary is good enough for him to be a ____
  3. 7. His favourite chocolate
  4. 11. What Niyati and Shivi call him
  5. 12. How he is with his family
  6. 13. He's an ____ at both The House of Cards and puzzles
  1. 1. His observations while reading the news are ____
  2. 3. What Vidur and Uday call him
  3. 4. What he says when you have already had enough roti
  4. 6. His refined speech is ____
  5. 8. His favourite hobby is ____
  6. 9. His attitude towards Mars and Pluto is ____
  7. 10. His favourite planet