Ralph Waldo Emerson's Work

  1. 4. The human soul and personal ego
  2. 7. Released in 1841, nonconformity and individualism
  3. 9. Beauty of nature, a purple flower
  4. 10. The foundation of Transcendentalism, released anonymously in 1836
  1. 1. America is still heavily influenced by Europe, need a distinct American identity
  2. 2. Literary magazine released in 1840 with cofounders Margaret Fuller and George Ripley
  3. 3. Commemorating the Battle of Concord in the American Revolution
  4. 4. America needs a unique American poet to write about American ideals
  5. 5. Hindu god of creation
  6. 6. People should not overintellectualize life, no utopias
  7. 8. Philisophical view of circles in nature