  1. 2. what does ROM stand for?
  2. 6. what is an example of a program that is stored in ROM.
  3. 8. what is the second program that loads the computer's operating system from the hard drive into the RAM?
  4. 10. what type of memory stores the instructions for when a computer starts up?
  5. 13. The contents of RAM can be changed at any time, simply by ___________ them with other data and/or instructions.
  6. 15. what does RAM stand for?
  7. 16. what device is used to store large amounts of data?
  8. 18. what are the two types of primary storage?
  9. 21. what is RAM's given term?
  1. 1. ROM is read only and ____________. RAM can be read from and written to and is volatile.
  2. 3. chips, RAM and ROM are part of what?
  3. 4. on a typical modern computer how much RAM is available?
  4. 5. what is the term of secondary storage as additional primary memory?
  5. 7. what software manages the hardware and software resources in a computer system?
  6. 9. what happens when RAM starts to fill up as also programs, documents and files?
  7. 11. RAM can also be ________ easily, unlike other types of primary memory.
  8. 12. what Non-volatile memory can be read from and written to and is suitable for secondary storage.
  9. 14. what is physical part of a computer system?
  10. 17. what is a piece of temporary memory?
  11. 19. What type of memory permanently stores instructions?
  12. 20. what part of a computer that stores data?