- 4. Cattle were sold for___times more in north than Texas
- 6. New European breeds replaced _________
- 7. Ranchers saw barbed wire as more of a ______
- 8. Enabled many square miles of land to be fenced
- 9. Tool used to round up cattle, created by Hispanics
- 12. Stray calves with no identifying symbol
- 13. _______ cattle were slaughtered in huge numbers
- 16. Major town at end of cattle drive, on a railroad
- 18. Men that drove cattle to north
- 20. Cowboys drove many cattle from Texas to _________
- 1. The open range covered most of this area
- 2. Addition of sheep herders on range caused______
- 3. 260,000 cattle moved up to Missouri
- 5. Trail that cowboys drove 1.5 million cattle
- 10. A vast grassland owned by the government
- 11. Adventure books including myths of Wild West
- 14. A rush of cattle
- 15. A Spanish cattle breed used in Texas/Mexico
- 17. Beef prices were _____ before the Civil War
- 19. water was ______ on Great Plains