  1. 2. Finish school or university
  2. 5. GET !
  3. 6. To ** or Not To ** , That is the question .
  4. 9. To see the result of our studies
  5. 10. Your work
  6. 11. You need this to level up
  7. 13. ACQUIRE !
  8. 14. Please come **** us !
  1. 1. a quality or accomplishment that makes someone suitable for a particular job or activity.
  2. 3. Bamboo in Japanese
  3. 4. Back To ***oo*
  4. 7. Dedicate your heart ! For The Country !
  5. 8. Refer to the concept of possession
  6. 11. 18 Ways To **** Money from Home Without Investment
  7. 12. Come on now , ****** my lead . I might be crazy don't mind me .
  8. 13. GAIN!