Random STEP Stuff

  1. 2. most serious adverse effect associated with antipsychotics
  2. 6. Seen in rheumatoid arthritis
  3. 7. deficiency presenting with alopecia, macular dermatitis, mental status changes, enteritis, and lactic acidosis
  4. 10. Personality disorder treated with dialectical behavioral therapy
  5. 15. kidney condition associated with mitral valve prolapse
  6. 17. Accumulates in Krabbe Disease
  7. 18. the type of incontinence caused by diabetes
  8. 19. visibility of uric acid stones on CT
  1. 1. used to treat idiopathic intracranial hypertension
  2. 3. Thayer Martin Agar is
  3. 4. Treatment for von Willebrand Disease
  4. 5. RTA Caused by amphotericin B toxiciy
  5. 8. Syphilis treatment is administered ___
  6. 9. affects lower lobes of lung
  7. 11. Conserved in minimal change disease
  8. 12. ADH and oxytocin are packaged in granules with
  9. 13. inhibited by Tacrolimus
  10. 14. increased expression with phenytoin
  11. 16. bunyavirus, orthomyxovirus, arenavirus