Random Stuff

  1. 3. "White Christmas" singer
  2. 6. Literary genre about connecting with nature
  3. 8. Chris of "Into the Wild"
  4. 9. author Leo of "Into the Wild"
  5. 11. 2016 Nobel Prize winner for Literature
  6. 12. Grammys noms: Beyonce, Drake, Bieber, Adele, ______
  7. 14. Alexander ______ of "Into the Wild"
  8. 19. Major city Mr. Spencer moved from
  9. 20. "Guy on a ______"
  1. 1. current Academy Award Best Picture winner
  2. 2. Best Actress for "Black Swan"
  3. 4. Inspired by nature, innocence of youth, intuition, ____
  4. 5. Chris's favorite author in "Into the Wild"
  5. 7. St. of Christmas
  6. 10. 2016 World Series MVP Ben
  7. 13. author of The Crucible
  8. 15. dasher, dancer, _____, vixen
  9. 16. John _____ of "The Crucible"
  10. 17. Capital of Alaska
  11. 18. Henry David _____