- 3. "White Christmas" singer
- 6. Literary genre about connecting with nature
- 8. Chris of "Into the Wild"
- 9. author Leo of "Into the Wild"
- 11. 2016 Nobel Prize winner for Literature
- 12. Grammys noms: Beyonce, Drake, Bieber, Adele, ______
- 14. Alexander ______ of "Into the Wild"
- 19. Major city Mr. Spencer moved from
- 20. "Guy on a ______"
- 1. current Academy Award Best Picture winner
- 2. Best Actress for "Black Swan"
- 4. Inspired by nature, innocence of youth, intuition, ____
- 5. Chris's favorite author in "Into the Wild"
- 7. St. of Christmas
- 10. 2016 World Series MVP Ben
- 13. author of The Crucible
- 15. dasher, dancer, _____, vixen
- 16. John _____ of "The Crucible"
- 17. Capital of Alaska
- 18. Henry David _____