Rap Vocabulary

  1. 2. This word means to speak lyrics.
  2. 6. This vocabulary word means a collection of songs.
  3. 7. This is someone who protects an artist and makes investments to keep their brand alive.
  4. 9. This is someone who supports an artist.
  5. 10. This is an event that music artists host where they perform songs.
  6. 11. This vocabulary means a word or more in a song.
  7. 13. This is what you earn when working, you also buy stuff with this.
  8. 14. This is where music artists make music.
  9. 17. This is a representation of an artist.
  10. 19. This is a group of people who work together to make a brand and get money out of it.
  11. 20. This person isn't always apart of a artists crew, though if they are hired, they write the lyrics for someone else to sing.
  1. 1. This is what makes an artists voice sound different.
  2. 3. This is where music artists perform in concerts.
  3. 4. This is the person who sings the rap music.
  4. 5. This vocabulary word means a set of words meant to be sung.
  5. 8. This word means to make and release something.
  6. 12. This is the music that plays behind the lyrics of a song.
  7. 15. This person takes care whoever is making the music.
  8. 16. This word means to move in a fun way.
  9. 18. This is the person who releases a song for the artist.