- 3. Switching the numerator and the denominator of a value.
- 4. A common fraction, decimal, or percent that can be referenced in relation to other fractions, decimals, or percents.
- 6. A number that represents a quantity per 100.
- 8. Tells you how many times the base number is being multiplied by itself.
- 11. Number that can be written as a fraction, terminating decimal, or repeating decimal.
- 1. The set of all positive counting numbers starting with 0.
- 2. Written in exponent form; the set of all prime factors of a number.
- 5. Similar to parentheses, but, in the order of operations, this would be completed before parentheses.
- 7. The set of whole numbers and their opposites.
- 9. In an exponent term, this is the number being multiplied by itself.
- 10. A number that tells you how many times to multiply the base by itself.