  1. 2. indicator of diabetes mellitus
  2. 3. haemoglobin bound to oxygen
  3. 6. in haemoglobin breakdownthisis converted to bilirubin
  4. 7. in fetal haemoglobin beta chains arereplced by
  5. 9. causes dusky discolouration of skin
  6. 10. abnormal globin chains present
  7. 12. factor influencing erythropoisis
  8. 13. bloodfilter
  9. 15. redcell fragility
  10. 17. geneticdisorder,polymerization ofHbS
  1. 1. spherical shaped rbc
  2. 4. increased affinity for haemoglobin
  3. 5. membraneprotein of RBC
  4. 6. breakdown of haemoglobin
  5. 8. on exposure to white light bilirubin turns to
  6. 11. linkerprotein
  7. 14. treatment of jaundice in infants
  8. 16. drug causing lysis of RBC