RC and Shana

  1. 3. My favorite character
  2. 4. Mahal Kita
  3. 5. National parks we have gone
  4. 10. Favorite trip we took together
  5. 11. One type of food we can't live without
  6. 13. Where we first met?
  1. 1. Month of our first date
  2. 2. Anytime we go shopping this store is must to enter wherever we go traveling
  3. 6. Trail we first hiked on and sadly broke up with you
  4. 7. Artist that wrote "One good girl is worth a thousand bitches"
  5. 8. What side of the bed do I like to sleep on
  6. 9. What we were for halloween in 2021
  7. 12. First trip we took