"Re, Dis, Sub, Mis, Trans"

  1. 4. (sub) The part of your mind that works in the "background"
  2. 6. (mis)An error
  3. 8. (trans) If you use money at a store to buy something you did a cash ___________________
  4. 9. (trans)Allowing light to pass through
  5. 10. (dis)To prove someone or something is untrue
  6. 11. (re)To not accept something, or in basketball to deny the other team
  7. 12. (re)To bring back or __________ of the King (third Lord of the Rings Movie)
  8. 13. (re)Starfish have the ability to ___________ limbs
  9. 14. (trans)To turn one's own language into another
  1. 1. (mis)If you do this you may end up in the principals office
  2. 2. (dis)To take apart
  3. 3. (dis)If your internet goes down, you are ________________ from it
  4. 4. (sub)To come after something
  5. 5. (sub)An underwater vessel
  6. 7. (mis)In the NHL, if you get into a fight, your team serves a 5 minute ____________ penalty