Reaching Up in Worship

  1. 3. Jesus said the Pharisees and scribes honored God with their lips but what was far from Him? (Matthew 15:9)
  2. 5. Psalm 96:2 says to do what with the LORD's name?
  3. 7. Jesus told the woman an hour was coming when people would worship on which mountain? (John 4:21)
  4. 9. We should do what to the LORD the glory due His name? (Psalm 96:8)
  5. 12. Jesus told the Pharisees and scribes they made what the word of God for the sake of their traditions? (Matthew 15:6)
  6. 14. Jesus told the woman that the hour was coming and was in fact there when people would worship the Father how? (3 words)
  7. 15. We should _____ among the nations, "The LORD reigns." (Psalm 96:10)
  8. 16. Jesus told the woman He could give her what? (John 4:11) (2 words)
  1. 1. When did John 4:5 say Jesus went where Joseph's well was?
  2. 2. Jesus asked the Pharisees and scribes why they broke the what of God for the sake of their traditions? (Matthew 15:3)
  3. 3. Jesus called the Pharisees and scribes what? (Matthew 15:7)
  4. 4. The woman was shocked that Jesus spoke to her because she was a Samaritan and He was a what? (John 4:9)
  5. 5. The Pharisees and scribed asked Jesus why His disciples did what to the tradition of the elders (Matthew 15:2)
  6. 6. We are to do what with His glory to all nations? (Psalm 96:3)
  7. 8. When Jesus told the woman what her history was, she called him a what? (John 4:19)
  8. 10. We should do what to the LORD in the splendor of His holiness? (Psalm 96:9
  9. 11. Vain worship is teaching as doctrines the commandments of whom? (Matthew 15:9)
  10. 13. Psalm 96:1 says to do what to the LORD?